Saturday, March 18, 2017

(12/11/04) garden columns; no new word

(Entered in paper journal at 9:30 AM at the Tea Lounge on Union Street and 7th Avenue in Brooklyn.)

Dream 1

I was parked in a car or van with some other people, one of whom was a long-bearded, tallish, pudgy man who showed the rest of us some kind of map. The car was parked behind a column in something like a courtyard or a public garden. There was a sidewalk and a long row of columns on each side of the sidewalk. The columns were all concrete, squared, with something that looked like a leaf bud on top and a short crossbar at the top part of the column. The vegetation was all thick, green, and rough, like some kind of classical garden overrun by time though preserving its classical dignity.

Dream 2

I stood behind a juniper overlooking a lake. Two people were with me. One was a male, a boss or leader or teacher of some sort. The other was my peer, either male or a female.

My peer and I had been given a spontaneous assignment. For the last question we had to give a newly learned word, the word's definition, and a sentence in which the word applied.

I and my peer had always worked together. But, for this question, though I'd asked to cooperate with my peer at first, I now didn't want any help. I wanted to show that my word power was great. But when I looked down at the paper I realized that though I knew a ton of words, I hadn't learned any new words lately.

I ran through a couple words in my head that may have been new words I could use. But they seemed more like already simple words which served as titles for scientific concepts I had recently learned. Yet I could also hear a couple new words sliding back and forth somewhere. I just couldn't grab onto them.

I looked down to the ground. There was a strangely shaped pan, made of material like that of a paint roller's paint pan. It was red on top and blue on the bottom. Its shape was like a wide, short rectangle funneling off into a pointless triangle on the lower left side, like a McDonald's fry scooper, except with the texture and material feeling of a paint roller pan.

I was sure the "teacher" would think I was lazy and stupid.

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