Monday, March 20, 2017

(11/7/04) communion; flying over the parkway; rich guys' party friends; lingerie i'd like to wear

(No time/place info for paper journal entry.)

Dream 1

I knelt before a small altar of wood, more like the edge of a barrier between steps and the actual altar behind which a priest stood. Some unknown friend knelt beside me. The priest put a communion wafer into my mouth. Before or after this I told him how I didn't know something.

Dream 2

I walked with some unknown friends from a parking lot into a restaurant. The restaurant was like a flashy Asian restaurant, apparently with something like red sequined wallpaper and wood trim everywhere. I walked all through the restaurant, alone, I think, though crowds of people were all around.

I called the Adecco staffing agency. I asked to speak directly with my agent NE. The person who answered said NE was really busy. I said I'd hold. After about a minute NE came on the line. I just started yelling at her for not getting me a job after four weeks. At some point she shrugged me off and hung up.

I was now outside, "flying" through the parking lot to a parkway median like on Eastern Parkway. I now dipped my hands into soil that was part dry and part wet, but increasingly wet. I explained something to someone at this point. I went down steps like into a subway. The steps were increasingly covered with this wet soil. At the bottom was a huge, long, black cave.

Dream 3

I don't know exactly know how I was involved in this dream. A bunch of rich guys had to get some partying friends out of their house before their parents came home. I saw one rich guy all the way back at a friend's house, showing the friend all the way into the house.

Now we were back at the rich guys' house, which was even more full of partiers. We walked down a wooden hallway, like wooden slats all painted turquoise.

Some old men walked out of an adjoining hallway, followed by two young children. They were all in towels, like they had come from a sauna. we walked past a group of old men, whom I stopped by as they said, "He made all these casts-iron signs himself." I knew they were making reference to one of the old men, who, it was now understood, owned the house, but who was also, apparently, one of the young men.

I turned and looked. The wall was brown wood with niches for brown wood benches There were a bunch of thin, wide, badge-shaped signs of steel, painted yellow and cast-iron black, about twelve by twelve inches each.

Dream 4

Some guy walked me into a bedroom to show me some lingerie he'd bought for his girlfriend. He opened the closet. the lingerie was a black, sheer camisole and black, sheer, lacy boy shorts. I thought I, too, would like to wear those. I saw my body and liked the way it looked. By my face and beard looked stupid.

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