(Entered in paper journal at 6 AM at my friend R's house in Brooklyn.)
Dream 1
My oldest nephew's school puts on a performance of Macbeth. "My nephew's dad" there. We must avoid him.
Also visit old lady who doesn't want to be seen. See story of using hot water.
Play about to start. Now we on stage, I am one of Weird Sisters.
Play ends after short scene -- becomes videotape -- some kind of whale attached to man's head, then video involving different eras and cars.
Lesbian couple constantly in foreground -- some "narrator" says that people are given what they want.
Dream 2
I am in large room, try to prove to someone I can't do push-ups cause of hand. But I suddenly can.
Dream 3
Went out walking. Come back. See pile of old cassettes, etc. Also quarters. Take quarters for laundry. Then hesitate, might be brother's. Then look through stuff and decide alright to take quarters.
(Daytime journal entry.)
Before time gets too close I need to get my dreams down in a brief but coherent form. Three remembered from last night.
Dream 1
My oldest nephew's school was putting on a performance of Macbeth. "My nephew's dad," some strange, violent man, was there, somewhere. He wanted either to kidnap my nephew or to hurt or kill him right here. We had to avoid him -- strangely, it may have been that had we seen him, we would have been obligated to let him be around my nephew.
My brother and I now went off while the kids were rehearsing. We may have thought my mother was staying close to my nephew or that the teachers would watch him closely enough. So we went to a classroom in some small, dim hallway. Inside it was like a mix between an elementary school classroom and a one-bedroom apartment. A thin, old woman with nice, grey hair greeted us smugly in a little doorway.
Things got kind of weird. It was now like we were in a dark, empty room, almost a stage. The woman didn't really want us there. But we weren't "we" as much as we were participating as characters in one memory of hers of people who never wanted to see her because her place was always so strange and unkempt. She had "us" sit on log stumps.
Then the scene changed to something like a small apartment in the 1940s in New York City, although the Nazis were invading. The woman was using hot water to clean something. But there was something about the hot water that she was afraid would tip the Nazis off to alcohol or some kind of alcohol-based cleaning product.
Slowly the scene changed back to the setting like the classroom. She said she could offer us seats, but nobody ever wanted to sit in them anyway, so why would we? The seats were folding chairs with the backs swinging halfway unattached from their poles. They might also have been slightly damp with hot water.
We must have sat in the seats, because I remember saysing something along the lines of, "You've underestimated me. I don't mind this a bit."
But now we three were standing together in the classroom, which was nicely lit and mildly colorful, with no desks and still that feeling of also being an apartment.
I could hear lines recited. They were coming through some speaker system. It sounded like the kids were either already performing or else they were far through their rehearsal that they would suddenly start performing.
One of we three said we had to get out there to guard my nephew right now (perhaps it sounded like he wasn't there). One of we three said it was still only rehearsals and no need to worry (and perhaps that we weren't leaving my nephew because this was only the first scene, and he didn't come on until later).
But now I had blended into the play, being one of the Weird Sisters. We stood on a grey stage that depicted a dark stormy shore of grey sand and grey-black waves. We Weird Sisters huddled together.
I spoke a spell and in punctuation threw out my arms, hoping for some strange effect. I got lightning over the sea, two bolts forking off from one bolt.
But the left bolt was almost not there, like a niche in stone, hollowed out to make the shape of something without actually having the material substance, color, or light of a thing.
Now from the sea came a quickly running, jittering crowd of colorfully, ritualistically dressed people, all speaking parts. They must have overrun me.
Suddenly the play was over. I asked myself, What happened to the rest of Macbeth? Now it was like all of this was on a videotape. I rewound the tape and didn't watch but knew it ended the same way. Suddenly I understood this was all a variety show, and that this section was only the first scene of Macbeth, and that there would now be other acts and performances.
But the videotape once again engulfed my perceptions. It was like the variety show had been taped over.
There was now a show of some guy, a business guy typing on a computer but sitting submerged under the "ocean," which actually looked like the warmish, blue water of a whale aquarium. The man spoke and breathed normally, like he was in air.
Some narwhal-looking (except without the horn) sea creature swam up over the man, then sucked its mouth around the man's head. The "narwhal" was black with barnacle-like white, circular blemishes. It let go and then came back and did this again, as the man said something stupidly obvious, like, "This kind of" (whale?) "likes to suck on humans' heads as a show of affection."
Now the "video" showed a music video of all kinds of couples dancing in front of a nice car. Most prominent was a hot lesbian couple wiggling with and fondling each other. Now the view changed to an identical scene, but with a different time period car and with all the couples in (supposedly) different time period clothing.
The two girls were still wiggling with each other and feeling each other up. I was trying to ascertain if they were doing this because they were really together, or if their boyfriends were somewhere else and they were just showing off.
But the "time period" changed again. Now the view was pulled way back. But the girls were still right up front, in plain view. they were now pressed up against each other, lifting up each other's skirt and grabbing each other's crotch. I felt it as if I were one of the girls.
I'm pretty sure I woke myself up, as I didn't want this to turn into a messy situation in waking life.
Dream 2
The space is kind of vague to me now. It may have been outside at first. But now I see a kind of audience area, full of wooden benches, maybe twenty or so rows, very long, the benches painted a sea green.
This was inside something like a classroom. But all kinds of big guys, mostly black, were doing something athletic. Most of them ran around in sweatpants or something like long-john pants but no shirts. Some of them may have been only in underwear. Whatever they were doing -- some kind of running, jumping, tackling drill, was something I knew I couldn't do at all.
I thought, Well, these guys are huge. Look at them. All that extra flesh gives them extra energy.
They had finished their exercises and were mainly heading out, although their pants and underwear stayed around. I looked at the underwear and pants to see what size it was, to see if I was right that these guys were huge compared to me. The one pair of long-john-like pants I picked up were so huge to me that they felt loose even without my having to put them on (?). I looked at the tag, which said something like M-26.
Some guy yelled at me from thirty or so feet away. I looked over and walked over to him. The long, flat benches were now plastic seats of a dingy, turquoise-grey.
The guy said something like, "What are you, a fag, to be looking around in other guys' underwear?"
I said, "No. I'm just trying to see how my body needs to be in order for me to be as sharp as these guys athletically."
He said, "Shit. Can't you do push-ups?"
I said, "I used to do push-ups every day. But then I fell and bashed up my hand" (I held out both hands) "and haven't been able put any weight on it since."
The man looked at me like I was an idiot. I said, "Watch." I got down on the floor in push-up position and discovered I didn't hurt anymore. I started doing push-ups quickly, happily.
I said, "I guess I can do them after all!"
Dream 3
The only thing that need to be added to my dream journal entry here are that one of the CDs was some Beatles or KISS CD, and that there was a piece of paper with writing on it, either the name/names of some boy-band or else a boy-band name with song lyrics underneath.
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