(Entered in paper journal at 9:05 AM at Connecticut Muffin.)
Dream #1
I walked into a classroom. The walls of the classroom may have been sea green. The classroom felt very closed in, but comfortable, as if it were closed from bad weather outside. The students seemed engaged, in the middle of something, with a lot of papers on their desks (the desks were in the standard "grid" pattern). I had a fuzzy feeling, like the comfortable warmth one feels at the end of a sickness.
I wasn't sure I was supposed to be here. But the teacher, a serious looking male, wide-bodied, in a suit and with spectacles, like in an anime, motioned me to a desk, as if I were late. The teacher then instructed me on something. Apparently he had also been walking through the class, instructing other students in the same way.
Dream #2
I was in a university dining hall. The room seemed small, possibly more like a meal-lounge in a hotel or office building. The walls were white, and the room was somewhat brightly lit by fluorescent lights. A continuous line of people were walking into the room. Everybody in the room was about college age.
The room was full of circular tables, maybe six feet in diameter, with fake-wood tops. All the tables were occupied, though maybe not full. I sat at a table near the back, left corner of the room, near the entrance to the room.
The table I sat at may have been able to seat eight people, though it was likely there were just three of us sitting there right now. The other two people sitting at my table were a man and a woman. The woman sat either one seat removed from me to my right or directly to my right. The man sat to my left, removed by either one or two seats.
There had sat, on our table, a cake that had been almost as wide as the table. It had been flat, like a cookie-cake, and red, like a red velvet cake, with white frosting. But someone had just recently come by and lifted the cake off the table, leaving just a white outline of frosting on the table.
A tall, thin, red-haired girl with pale skin and pale blue eyes now walked up (as if from the entrance?) to the woman at my table, who may have looked a lot like the standing girl. Actually, I think that at first the sitting girl was about medium height, thin, with a nice body, tan skin, brown eyes, and long, soft, brown hair, wearing a dark green sweater and probably a black, knee-length skirt. Then, later, she took on the red-haired girl's appearance.
As the standing girl began to speak with the sitting girl, I, trying not to feel left out of the conversation, but also trying not to intrude on the conversation, began to pick at the white outline of frosting, thinking that if I hadn't gotten any of the cake before they took it away, I could at least have some of the frosting. I picked a whole line of it off the table. It was a line broken by little circle designs.
I folded the line I had picked, so it would fit better into my mouth. But then I worried that if I ate this frosting, I'd be thought of as a slob: first, for eating leftover frosting (like leftover pizza cheese, clinging to the bottom of a cardboard pizza box); second, for eating something I'd played with so much.
The standing girl said to the sitting girl, "Hey -- you know what I thought as I saw you sitting here in these clothes? And I was even all the way across the room, with my friends." I thought to myself that the standing girl was now going to deliver an insult, just given the tone of her voice. But the standing girl said, "I thought, Wow, that girl's hot. She looks good in that outfit."
The girls spoke back and forth. I thought the standing girl was trying to make romantic advances on the sitting girl. I was jealous but I didn't really want to care. I also didn't want to intrude.
So I turned to the boy and started having some conversation with him. The boy may have been wearing a suit and tie. We may have started talking business. I really wasn't engaged in talking to the boy at all. When the standing girl walked away I stopped talking to the boy.
The sitting girl, who now definitely looked like the standing girl, turned to me and said, "Did you see how the girl looks in those new stone shoes?" I could see that the standing girl wore low-heeled, buckle-strapped shoes, which would normally be made of shiny, black leather. (I must have been thinking of Mary Janes.) The sitting girl said, "She looked good. She looked really good."
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