Sunday, November 11, 2012

NOTEBOOK 22 - 12/27/09 to 3/9/10

This notebook is the last paper dream journal I used. In between the last entry of my twenty-first notebook and the first entry of my twenty-second notebook, two major events happened in my life. First, and most important, my great grandmother, who was really the head of my family, died. Second, only a few days after I got back home following my great grandmother's death, I got a new job, after having been unemployed for about eight months.

I didn't use this whole dream journal. I'm not sure why I didn't complete the journal. But about halfway through the dream journal I stopped writing my dreams down altogether. My hiatus from dream writing lasted from March of 2010 to about October of 2010. At that point in time I started writing down my dreams online.

I was surprised to see, though, that I had had another hiatus in my dreams, between the twentieth and twenty-first notebooks, of a little more than three months, between June and September of 2009. I think that hiatus in my dreams was probably leading up to the larger hiatus in my dreams.

And I think the larger hiatus in my dreams was partly, but not completely, due to my looking for a new format for my dreams. The online format gave me what I was looking for, I believe. However, I would say that I still have breaks in my dreams, sometimes as long as a month at a time.

I think of these breaks, generally, as periods in between "dream cycles." I would like, once I've finished getting all my dream journals online, to see if I really can see a delineation of dream cycles and a series of themes within the dream cycles. I try, of course, not to worry about "dream cycles" in the present and on a day to day, or night to night, basis. I think if one observes that kind of stuff, it tends to shift, mercurially.

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