Tuesday, November 20, 2012

(5/10/09) wishing for hidden rooms

Dream #1

I was in an empty apartment. The apartment was railroad-style, with four rooms. It was filled with natural light. The walls were a clean white. It was my new apartment.

For some reason, although I was happy with the place and all the rooms, I was trying to find different rooms or find a way to change the rooms. I wanted both my bedroom and my study room to be hidden within the other rooms, so nobody else could ever see my studying or sleeping in my house. I figured if I kept those two activities hidden from sight, the people in the apartment upstairs from me would never bother me.

I imagined that the back room and either the front room or the second room from the front each had a room like a closet, completely windowless, with a door which would close off from the outside room. (Interestingly, either there wasn't a kitchen or a bathroom or else I wasn't paying attention to them.) I figured one room (the back?) would be my bedroom, while the other (the front?) would be my study room.

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