Wednesday, February 15, 2017

(7/1/06) amphora/amphori restaurant; a girl and three guys; adjusting the color

(Entered in paper journal at 9:16 AM at Starbucks on 43rd Street and 3rd Avenue in Manhattan.)

Dream 1

I walked through a city street with cobble-brick roads in the daytime. I had spoken with either my friend ML or R about meeting at a Mexican restaurant. I couldn't remember the name of the restaurant.

I went into a Mexican restaurant, thinking it might be the one. But it was so empty I thought it couldn't possibly be the one. I wanted to stay, though, because it was so clean -- white tile floors and clean, white plaster/stucco walls lined in places with touches of dark wood and small traces of lush vegetation. The place was divided into a few rooms (and reminds me of a famous Art Nouveau cigar shop, maybe by Victor Horta?).

Over wide walkway into another room I saw a wood sign with white painted letters saying "AMPHORA" or "AMPHORI." This was the name of the restaurant. But I still wasn't sure it was the restaurant I was looking for.

I walked out. It was night. There were tables full with people. The light was only orange street light. I sat and waited for whoever I was waiting for.

A man sat on a wood crate. He was tall, fat, pale-coffee-colored, balding with frizzy, copper-colored hair. He kept shouting to ask me if I wanted some drugs.

My mom walked up. Then she almost went to the man. I had to tell her not to go to the man. He would poison her.

Dream 2

I was in an office space very like my floor at work. I walked past the cubicle of a girl I like and into a conference room. The lights were off in the conference room, and there were no windows except to the floor, so the room was dim.

The girl spoke on the phone to some tough guy on another floor. The guy flirted with the girl. I thought I should tell the girl how I liked her. But the girl walked away with another man and took an elevator downstairs.

Dream 3

My sister and I were watching a movie on TV. At some point a couple cowboys were walking down a hillside.

My sister said, "The sky is too blue. Can't we adjust the screen so the sky isn't so blue?"

I agreed that the sky was really blue. It was so blue it hurt my eyes. But I wasn't sure the sky was supposed to be gentle at this point in the movie. But I wasn't sure the screen wasn't also a little out of whack. Nevertheless, I didn't want to mess with the screen, especially this far into the movie.

But my sister did mess with the color. Now the sky looked normal. But the screen was blurry and the cowboys (or ranchers like in Brokeback Mountain) had a gross green tint to them and were welled in grey like they always stood in shadow.

(Below is a sketch I made after my dreams, on the last page of this dream journal.)

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