Thursday, February 16, 2017

(4/14/06) brokeback basketball

(Entered in paper journal at 9:35 AM at Starbucks on Astor Place.)

Dream 1

I walked through a movie theater lobby (like the Wirock in Albuquerque) and to a theater with an open door. I was afraid to go inside: I saw so many families, especially children. I wanted to see this movie. But I didn't want to be thought of as a kid. I also didn't want to be thought of as some kind of pervert that hangs around kids.

Now I was watching a film like Brokeback Mountain, except that the ranchers were now gold miners. The Heath Ledger charcter just kept going on and on about gold, about some mine that had a vein of gold that if he could just get funding for it, would just produce and produce.

As the speech progressed, I melded into the man, and the mountain scene faded into a location like a bus stop near a set of apartments I'd lived in in my last year of college. I sat on the right end of the bench, with a female coworker to my left and a male coworker to her left.

I finished up the speech and kind of broke myself out of my daze or spell to discover where I was. I heard my two coworkers laughing about a third coworker.

The coworker had participated in a basketball game with some other workers. He had come back to work telling people about it -- or else my coworkers were talking about how he would come back to work talking about it.

My coworkers knew the third coworker wasn't any good at basketball but that he had bragged (or would brag) about how well he had done. The coworkers started laughing and saying the things he had said or would say.

It actually sounded like the third coworker was right there, joking about himself. There were two statements that were made that sounded like business quotes, like "I really helped drive our earnings growth," and "The team says I had good synergistic strategies."

I was laughing so hard imagining this guy saying all this stuff that I was almost doubled over. I now realized there was a black iron lamppost to my right.

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