Sunday, February 17, 2013

(9/13/07) dismembered; snowboarding; who drank too much; tree corners

(Entered in paper journal at 6:45 AM at Starbucks on 56th Street and Sixth Avenue in Manhattan.)

Dream #1

I walked in a parking lot full of cars. As I did I thought about soldiers who had had their limbs blown off in the Iraq War. I had been walking from the left to the right side of an aisle of cars. Now I walked up a hill. I now stood near the top of the hill and at the end of the dirt lot. I stood between two large objects, possibly buildings. I looked down a steep hill and saw a city, perhaps a desert city.

Dream #2

I saw a man's feet trying to do some kind of footwork on a snowboard in the snow. The man's left foot was near the back of the board and at a right angle to his right foot. The man would lift up his left foot and try to stomp down onto the board in some way. But he would end up stomping down onto the snow.

Dream #3

I was at some party, possibly with a bunch of co-workers. We had been sitting at a long, square table in a long area with a few tables like ours. The area was elevated by a small staircase and overlooked the rest of the "restaurant," like a little balcony.

My memory was swimming, as if I had been drunk. I was trying to convince a short, oldish, Mexican woman that she had drank a lot more than she thought she had. Everybody was disordered, wandering all around our area.

Dream #4

I stood on a street corner. I heard my co-worker MD talking about how our boss DO would always leave right around time for the initiation report presentations for the companies our team was just beginning to cover, leaving MD to do all the work of speaking with the clients.

I stared up. Hanging over me, to my left, beside a telephone pole, were branches of an ailanthus (?) tree, its leafs golden-green from the light of the unseen sun. Below and through the glowing canopy I could see the corner or a pink-bricked building and a square of deep blue sky. Behind me, I knew, perhaps, because I had seen it before, was another redbrick building with a yellow-canopied honeylocust tree in front of it.

It was now like I was flying, sideways, down the street, so that I flew from my right to my left. I saw building fronts like in a small town's main street, glowing in the golden sun.

I could still hear MD speaking. He now said something like, "You should see how DO does it with girls." He then continued with some story of a girl DO seduced (DO, happily married, would NOT have done something like that in waking life) while out on a business trip.

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