Sunday, January 20, 2013

(5/23/08) the presence of spirits

Dream #1

I had been in a building like a school building with a group of people, having something like an Easter celebration. As everybody was finishing up, I brought a cup or glass of water outside. I walked to the end of a small lawn behind the building and knelt before a polished, black tombstone. The tombstone may have had Chinese characters written on it, but had the name "Mike" at its top. The ground before the tombstone was slightly muddy, with black cinder-pebbles on the surface, like a running track after the rain.

Mike had been a friend of mine. On this holiday I could actually speak to him so my words reached him in the underworld. I dug mud out of a black, granite (?) bowl or cup before the tombstone so I could pour the pure water into it. It was the only thing Mike asked for on this holiday.

I began speaking to Mike about how things were going, friends, etc., and how we all missed him. I may have been pouring water into the bowl, wondering if I had gotten the bowl clean enough. I could start to feel the presence of a spirit, an electric feeling getting more and more powerful as I spoke.

But the feeling was broken when a friend came up behind me and started speaking to me. I might have broken the feeling because I was afraid of being labeled crazy if I showed that I could feel the presence of spirits.

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