Sunday, March 5, 2017

(5/24/05) next stop, ladies' lingerie

(The statement below is not a dream but was written in my dream journal as a kind of inspiration. Entered at 9:15 PM. No location info. But I'm guessing it was at home in Harlem. I'm also guessing the statement was written on May 23rd, before I slept and had my dreams, not May 24th, when my dreams would actually have been written down. But I'm really not sure.)

9:15 PM -- Although the writing of this will probably hinder me from dreaming tonight, I want to write down in the dream book that I will try next time I had a lucid dream to call out for a teacher or guide, whatever that may be.

(Entered in paper journal at 8:03 PM at home in Harlem.)

Dream 1

I got off a train or subway that led directly into a concourse in an airport. I passed an inspection gate and then realized I had left a couple important items at home. My flight left at either 4:00 or 4:11. I turned to look at the digital wall clock. It read 244 (244, I think, not 2:44!). I thought I might have time to take the subway back home and come back before my flight left.

I was on what now feels like an Amtrak train or an even bulkier, fancier train with a very dark, rich atmosphere to it. We passed along some dense obstructions to a view of a city street, not like New York City, a little more country like.

I caught a glimpse of some black man who shot a stare at me and scared me a little. So I opened my view fully at him in between the dense obstructions and rattled his mind a bit to make him look at me nervously. But when I succeeded I pulled back instantly and thought (did I think it?), No, don't make contact. You run the risk of letting bad spirits into your own body.

Now the view was black except one thin, horizontal strip about five-sixths of the way up my field of vision. A white burst of light zigzagging from right to left made the strip silvery like the crack of light between the lid and body of a copy machine.

I was still in the train, I think. It was early morning. We rode into the parking lot of a mall. My stop was somewhere around here. I thought of coming back to the mall in a few hours, as soon as it opened.

I looked up to the second floor of the mall, as if a few stores up their had their storefront window-walls and doors out on the sheer, inaccessible, white brick face instead of on an indoor balcony inside the mall. I saw a lingerie store. I wanted to go in. But I wondered, if the storefront was on the outside of the mall, how I'd get in without being seen by people I knew.

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