Sunday, March 26, 2017

(9/28/04) bringing someone on a drive; science show joke; dressing up for christmas party; painted bridge

(Dreams only entered in daytime paper journal. No time/place info given.)

Dream 1

Very vague. I was getting ready to take a trip somewhere; possibly back to New York City. I was with my mom and my grandma P. At some point we were in a wilderness which made me (or which now makes me?) sick to my stomach. It was like a forest in which everything was rotting and had the smell of stinking meat. I can't really see the place now, although I know the ground was dark, possibly rocky with silvery-grey, dull granite, and that the trees were mainly deciduous, not thick or lush, with shallow green and yellowy-orange leafs. There were a lot of hills, too.

But now I was at my mom's house (?), which was something like a mix between her house now and a cabin in the woods. Somebody who was supposed to be my sister stood on a wooden chair or bench and was pressing something into the dark, wooden walls. The place was clean, but it felt crowded full of people.

My sister now spoke either to me or of me, hoping I wouldn't mind that my mom was bringing CS (a granddaughter of one of my mom's friends, with whom my mom had come to form a mother-like relationship) along on the drive to XXXXX, as CS's indignation sometimes seemed to bother me.

I thought, I don't mind CS coming along, but where exactly are we going that we have to bring her along? Aren't they just taking me to the airport? Or were they planning on driving me all the way back home? We'll just get lost in the woods. They can't take me. And if we're taking CS, certainly we're going to take a detour to drop her off in the woods. That'll get us even more lost.

Dream 2

I don't know where I was. I'd guess I was in something like an interactive "science experiments" section of a museum, or a place like the Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos. The room was built strangely, and I can't quite see it. But at the end it seemed to fade into a black-walled hallway that led to some other sections of the building. There seems to have been a wide, tall window somewhere, because from my left there was a ton of natural light.

I was facing, almost standing right in front of, a display on the wall. Behind me were my friend R and some unknown children. To my right was some actor like a "science professor."

The display was attached to a silvery, mesh-like aluminum board that was fastened to the black wall. The display was a purple, tall rectangle of a laminated material. The majority of the display was unseen. What I did see was a wide, lavender border around a thin, tall rectangle of darker purple in which stood the lavender silhouette of a man, at the bottom of whose feet was a rectangle with four white text boxes in it, looking something like a multiple choice question.

But this whole section, all that I could see of the display, was maybe only one-fourth of the laminated display. I was that close to it.

I was apparently trying to think up a television show, a kind of "science professor" show. But I mainly clowned around. The four white text boxes on the display were like objectives, themes to be covered in the show.

But I now had an idea, as I stroked my finger up and down, though about two inches about from the man's body, of a way to be silly. Right before one of the themes would be given its section, I would have the "science professor" stand beside an actual astronomer, to introduce the section. After the section had been introduced the "science professor," his voice fading out as the image faded to black, would turn to ask something really interesting of the actual astronomer. The question was either, "So you're saying there's actual proof of a parallel universe that exists on the same level as ours?" or, "So you're saying that there's proof of our universe expanding into an infinitely wondrous place?" Then, of course, the kids would actually just learn some crappy, third-rate bullshit they've known for years.

It wasn't something I'd actually do. It was just a joke. So I turned to R, thinking he'd get a kick out of this joke. But when I looked at R, something in his stare made me afraid to tell him anything at all. Suddenly there was a strange, fighting, barely remembered moment where I was sitting somewhere in this room, trying to get into Hotmail, but not being able to remember my password.

Dream 3

I was in bed. I either was my brother-in-law or I was right beside him. If I was beside him, I was also myself reflecting on what he'd said. The room was pretty much like my apartment. My sister stood to my right, by the nightstand and lamp. It was later morning, maybe 9 AM.

My sister was trying to tell my brother-in-law something about how when my brother went to the Christmas party he wasn't going to dress up. He was just going to wear a white shirt, not his nice shirt (which, I think, was a softish, faded looking, classy, maroon polo (?) shirt). My sister said, "So you don't have to worry about taking time to dress. You can just go in the clothes you usually wear."

But my brother-in-law, laying with his hands behind his head, continued obstinately, "I don't want to go. I don't care about dressing up. I don't want to go."

"I" now sat up a bit and looked to the foot of "my" bed. There was a cart, a food cart, like the ones food service companies used to bring to unload food for business meetings at my old job in New York, except made out of metal instead of grey-brown plastic. It was a greenish-grey tan color.

I don't remember anything that was on it except for what caught my eye on the bottom "shelf," just about three inches above the ground. There was a bundle of roses, dead and dried, maybe twelve of them. Their stems were dark green, hard, brittle. the blossoms were blackish purple-red, dried out almost completely. On the shelf, below and around the blossoms, were a few other blossoms that lay like hard, juice-dyed, parched cherry seeds on a sidewalk.

I thought to myself, How beautiful. But why on earth were they here? How is this supposed to help?

(I don't know about this next part. It seems that now I heard my friend R's voice asking me, "Where the hell do you think you were? What the hell do you think you're doing going wherever you want and not telling me anything?" I was afraid. I rolled around in bed onto my stomach. My pillow half-leand against the headboard. I had no shirt on. I lifted up my right arm and pulled on the top of the headboard like I was trying to pull myself up. IF this is a "true" memory, then the fourth dream is just a continuation of the third dream.)

Dream 4

I floated over a tall, chain link fence. It was a cool, grey day, dark, maybe even slightly rainy. On the right side was a large, sloped lawn at the far end of which were two apartment buildings, maybe three-storied, dark tan, stucco-textured, with scalloped, red brick-colored roofs. The lawn was dotted with some small, thin, wide-branched, darkly, plain-green-needled Ponderosas. On the left side was a sidewalk beside a wide, clean, tan-grey asphalt road. the sidewalk and road went down a long, gradual hill.

Down about two hundred meters or so a red-painted steel bridge went over the road. Its floor was slightly arched, steady. It was "walled" with crisscrossing beams and an arch of thinly-meshed chain link fencing, all painted that clotted red.

As I looked around (this may have been the point at which I heard R ask me his strange, brutal question), I tried to justify myself to R, like a scared slave, even though R wasn't anywhere. It was like I was just walking around having a head-conversation. Except this one felt a bit more real. At some point my justification just became a joke that faded into the Crosby, Stills, Nash (?) song "We Are Stardust" (?).

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