Sunday, March 26, 2017

(9/27/04) trilobite roaches; cheap and expensive camera; lingerie and hair dryer

(Dreams only entered in daytime paper journal. No time/place info.)

Dream 1

Enormous insects like roaches ran through my house. They weren't roaches, though I called them roaches. They were shaped like trilobites, though they were smooth like futuristic cars, and a greyish green-beige color. Their eyes were like smooth, blackish windows. They also didn't quite have feet.

Their centers below the "window-eye" ridged up like the cabin of a car. All I could feel was dismay and weariness, as if I lamented having to deal with roaches all over again after not having had to deal with them for so long.

Dream 2

I was on a two-story train. I don't know where we were, but it was like we were in a terminal. The light on the train was dim, just some skylight coming in from the edges of the platform, tinging the floors and surfaces a white-grey blue. Other people must have been on the train, but I couldn't really see them. I stood in between the rows of seats, near a door that was open (on the second story of a train, no less). The aisle was wide, maybe five feet wide.

I had been somewhere before this, possibly an actual place in the dream and now forgotten, but possibly just a "memory." I was getting on the train to go back to this place, even though I had gotten on this train, apparently, from this place. It is possible that at this place my friend R had caused me all kinds of annoyance.

I asked myself, Why are you going back there? Why repeat what's already happened? I was now knelt close to the left row of seats, facing so the seats faced me. I told myself, Well, perhaps I'm going back because that's my "ka-tet." I now stood.

I faced "forward" again. I was close to the open door. I held a book which I dropped when the train lurched forward. The book, I now saw, was of William Blake's poetry. It was like the Viking Portable Blake, with the blue strip at the top in which were classical-modern, beige letters spelling "BLAKE" widely and thinly. But instead of Blake's "Ancient of Days" picture of God kneeling in a circle like the Sun on the cover, there was a black and white photograph "of Blake."

Seeing the book slip away toward the door, I lunged for it. I slapped my hand down on the book before it toppled out. But even though I did this I wasn't quite sure I had done it. I felt like I was doomed to lose the book.

Now I was somewhere "in New York." It was strange feeling. Behind me were tall, tall buildings, in the streets between which were lights and activity and people, like at Times Square. But the buildings were all red brick, all very clean, almost quiet buildings. And they all seemed about eight hundred meters behind me, so that when I looked back they all appeared small. Yet it felt like I was standing right on 8th Avenue, looking west.

In front of me, though, was a huge vacant lot, slightly mounded, full of grass, and behind a six- or seven-foot-tall chain link fence. R stood in front of me and someone else. Behind R, over the field, was a thick, greasy, black-grey cloud of smoke smothering the landscape of the vacant lot and almost blotting out the moon above it.

R, like a parent, said something like, "It looks like we aren't going to be able to go to XXXXX" (New York?) "now, since we have all this trouble going on here in XXXXX." (New York?) "So that means XXXXX." (We'll have to postpone that ice cream?)

R was now gone. It seems now that the plan suddenly became that I and this unknown woman next to me were to meet R for ice cream somewhere. We may also possibly have been told not to move from where we were, as going into XXXXX (the Times Square-like area behind me) would cause us to spend money or not be interested in ice cream anymore.

But I really wanted to go there, to see what was there. so we went down. We were at a glass display case in the middle of the street. There were no cars, just tons of people, and tons and tons of warm lights, making the night like day. The lights were incandescent yellow, with maybe a few reds and oranges. But overall it felt like we were in a dazzling casino with glass display cases instead of gaming tables.

The case this unknown woman and I were at held on its top video cameras. I noticed two cameras in particular. One was quite regular, compact, silvery. Another one, a couple cameras away, was weird. It was grey, silvery, and compact, but with a large lens on the front.

The lens seemed to be coated in some iridescent pink color. It was flat and maybe five inches in diameter. On the top of the camera, behind the stethoscope-shaped lens, was a panel of buttons, a whole lot of buttons, which may even have spilled over onto the sides of the camera.

I saw the prices on the cameras. They were pasted onto the lenses with 1 by 1 3/4 inch (?), pale blue, Post-it notes. The smaller camera was $139. The larger one was $1,329.

The salesman behind the case got very interested when I started looking at the larger camera. But the woman beside me told me something like, "No. Don't lose your grip. This guy wants you to get the expensive one. But you know you don't want it. It won't be as good for you as the cheaper one. But if you keep listening to this guy he'll confuse you into slipping up the prices so you think that $1,329 = $139."

I suddenly felt as if I had very poor control of my perceptions.

Dream 3

I was in a department store at a mall. I may have been in a Mervyn's. I don't remember most of the dream. I was at the register now, though. I either was buying or had bought an article of pink lingerie for $9.99. I now either was buying or had bought a hair dryer that was boxed like some kind of power tool, for $13.99 or $13.29. But, either while purchasing or after having purchased the hair dryer, I calculated the cost. I suddenly realized that I had spent way too much money.

I walked away from the register with the lingerie in a white bag, all crumpled and flattish, airless inside, and the hair dryer box in my right hand (where the bag also was, as if I had two hands there?).

I walked to the doorway where the department store opened to the mall, and I swung the hair dryer box in front of the theft-protection gates. Doing this, I thought, would show exactly how much the hair dryer would cost, in some way that seemed to show me if it would fit into my budget. If it wouldn't fit into my budget, I would have to put it away somewhere near the shoplifting security gates. But if it did fit into my budget, I would go back to the cash register and pay for it.

But when I waved it past the gates, it set off a quiet alarm. A nice store security guard walked up to me. He looked like the Maytag repairman in the TV commercials. He had a small, computer-like device in his hand, in which he was typing things. He asked me if I was trying to steal. I said no, that I was just checking the price. He said, "Well, I'll just walk you back to the register."

But I got a glimpse of the LCD display of  his device to see that the hair dryer cost $XXXXX (either $13.99 or $13.29). That really was too much for me to spend, especially after I had bought the lingerie. So now I wanted to put it away. But I didn't want the security guard to think that I was putting it away only because I got caught trying to steal it. So I just decided to let things be. I'd just get the hair dryer, even though I didn't really want it now.

I now started worrying that the security guard would see the pink babydoll slip and panties I'd bought.

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