Sunday, March 5, 2017

(5/14/05) the civil war lives today

(Entered in paper journal at 10 AM at Starbucks Marriott -- possibly back in Colorado?)

Dream 1

There were two kids running away from a group of soldiers like Civil War soldiers. The kids were modern, in contemporary  clothing -- grey t-shirts and grey, denim shorts. The setting also looked contemporary, like a network of dirt trails at the edge of a modern, suburban park.

The kids reached the top of some short slope, being continually shot at all the way. They turned around and (fired back?) until all the soldiers either were dead or had retreated.

The two kids ran to some other hill. Either one or both of the kids almost fell over a steep cliff at the "peak" of the hill. There was a barberry there, jutting out club-shaped from and down along the cliff in a thin, long shape. I faintly remembered that either I or the kids had been trimming this shrub before the commotion.

The kids (or I?) were about to start trimming again when a tall, white-bearded man in a grey Civil War uniform walked up. The kids turned around. They knew this was the leader of the soldiers they had fought. The kids worried the "General" was capturing them. But the "General" actually spoke sympathetically with them.

I saw the kids' shirts become dark and dappled with varying shades of grey. I thought that perhaps the reason the "General" (I did not call him a General in the dream) was being so sympathetic was that the kids had already been mortally wounded without being aware of it.

I could see in my minds eye that the kids' backs and the backs of their heads had been torn apart as if by a huge barrage of bullets. I didn't know whether my imagined vision was true. But I was afraid of the kids turning around and me seeing whether it was true.

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