Thursday, March 2, 2017

(8/24/05) games

(Entered in paper journal at 5:20 AM at my friend R's house in Brooklyn.)

Dream 1

I was in an apartment, watching a cat (?) for my friend R and his girlfriend L. R and L were there at first. We spoke about some writing competition. I told them I didn't send my writing there because the requirements had been too formal, not in the structure of the writing but in the forms of the scenery we were supposed to write about. In my head I saw a promenade in a park, a stone path with side areas striped with Belgian blocks and soil, with benches and trees along the way.

Now R and L left. I was on the phone, sitting close to a bed (I think -- can no longer read the word) and close to a structure like a fence that made the space feel very small. I could see broken images of a poster of four photos, each of a different band, as if I were bug-eyed, inattentively attentive to the poster as I listened to the person on the other end.

The person was telling me how the concert with XXXXX, some punk-like group, maybe female (and depicted in a black and white photo on the lower right of the poster) was actually sold out, so R and L couldn't go.

I didn't like this group, but R and L did. I said I felt bad. So I called L. As I told her the concert was sold out she said, "I know. I heard everything you said. We were just sitting out in the hallway." Now L and R came in and laughed at me a little, making fun of me because they thought in one way or another I was pretending to like the band.

Now R brought out a plastic-piped "bookshelf" that looked more like a miniature version of a goal-net for soccer. First it looked like

but then it changed to


As it did I saw a soccer game being played between a red team and a yellow team.

Now I was in some cafe-like place where there were a bunch of different tables for games, mainly guessing games. I sat at one of the tables. The table was set low. I was wooden and red, with a shape like a bed's headboard.

I had to beat on the sides of the table to make the person guess a phrase I chose at random from a card. I think the person also had to have his hands on the side of the table.

A man walked up. He was tall, with a sort of 19th-century style, with a huge, scraggly beard and slightly receding hairline with brown, electrified-curly hair. As he walked up, he raised his right hand as if preparing himself to channel a spirit. At some point he must have sat down at the table. He humphed and said, "I've got it."

I looked down to the table and thought, Well, he must see how the table looks like the Rosebud sled from Citizen Kane. at first I beat quickly on the table, searching for a theme to play from Citizen Kane. I thought of "There Is a Man." So I started to beat the song onto the table. But I was playing it too fast. I slowed down and tried to play the theme that plays as the camera pans up the tall fence at the beginning.

The man said, "Yes! I've got it." He chuckled lightly, pleased, to himself, and stood up and walked away.

To my right I had a sheet of paper, on which, apparently, I was supposed to write the score of my game. The sheet looked a little like a clean score sheet for the game Yahtzee. The only writing on it was the man's name and the number 24. I was supposed to fill in the info when the man told me what his guesses were. But the man hadn't told me his guesses.

I went to another table and asked about the guy. They told me, "He does that almost every day. He'll come in and sit at all the tables and pretend that he's guessed everything. But then he'll just walk away without saying anything."

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