Saturday, March 4, 2017

(8/12/05) can't hide my perversion; weightlifting toilet humor; rose of sharon

(Entered in paper journal at 5 PM at Starbucks on 43rd Street and 3rd Avenue in Manhattan.)

Dream 1

I was outside, possibly at night, at the foot of a very small slope, like the small slope up to train tracks. Some friends, among them my friend R, were up on the top of the slope. I sat, legs folded lazily under me, amid a bunch of white, wadded up art tissue paper and piles of pornography magazines.

Now the friends came over the slope so they could see me. I tried desperately to hide all the pornography. But R saw me and was disappointed.

Possibly the scene changed to a bedroom, in which I was just barely hiding. I may have been trying to dress up in women's clothing. I had mirrors all around me. Once again R came into the room. He ridiculed me, not only for my perversion, but for hiding it so clumsily.

Dream 2

A weird weightlifting contest. People sat on something like a toilet and lifted something like dumbbells that were attached to pulleys. I'm pretty sure the people didn't do curls, but rather lifted laterally, with their shoulders and then their elbows. I sat or crouched on their left sides.

About five or six guys were in the contest. Each guy was strong but kind of dorky looking. The last guy looked Hispanic. He "was" a good friend. He had a backwards hat on and possibly long hair and a mustache. As he began to lift I said some inside joke and made him laugh and mess up.

Someone got mad at me for slowing things down. I tried to duplicate the joke. I only made things more awkward.

Dream 3

I was out doing some tree census work with my NYC Americorps coworker VT. It was early evening. The sky was dark blue. We were on a road that curved long

with the concave side facing a long, steep slope. The left side of the street had only a few trees. I let VT take that side, since it was easier.

I walked up to the first tree on my side. It was a Rose-of-Sharon, with wide, soft petals.

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