(Entered in paper journal at 10:35 AM at Housing Works Used Bookstore Cafe in Manhattan.)
Dream #1
I was in a car with my family. I'm not sure what seat I was in. It was daytime. We backed out from my great-grandmother's house, as if she had a driveway in front of her house (though I'm pretty sure that in the dream she did not), curving the back end of the car to my left and then driving away to my right.
My brother was making some complaint, possibly about how XXXXX (can't remember) was driving. But I saw that at the end of the block (would have been the south end of the block, not the north end) there was some large blockage of traffic, almost like a parade procession.
My brother now said something like, "That damn dog -- it always scares people like this." My brother meant that a dog was somehow scaring all the cars and blocking up the traffic. I might have seen a dog like a border collie running back and forth in the intersection.
Since that area was blocked, we decided to leave via the north end of the block. That end of the block was also crowded, this time with horse-drawn carriages. By this time, the car I was in may have disappeared. I and my family members walked along a cobble sidewalk (?) which may have been moderately busy with people. Some or all of the carriages were driven by dogs. The dogs seemed to have human personalities and would look over their shoulders at the crowd and possibly even wave to us.
My family (maybe just my mom, my great-grandmother, and I?) continued walking. We were now at the top of a stairway and plaza area like the stairway and plaza area for the Angel fountain in Central Park, except that it was slightly smaller and felt a little bit restricted, either by the streets of a small town's main street or by a bit of virgin or undeveloped land which was too precipitous or muddy (?) or tangled to be traversable.
The day was now very hot an bright. I thought it had been fun to walk like this, but now the weather was too uncomfortable. I seemed to be huddled together with my family, as if we were all looking over a map to decide our action.
We decided to walk down the stairs. We (now my mom, my sister, some of my nephews, and I?) entered a tan-painted cinder-block building like a park bathroom. The inside was also "like" the basement of a house. But really the interior was just a wide, open concrete space with a fountain in the center, and maybe a few sinks along the wall.
The fountain in the center was just a small, metallic fixture, like a shower head. It shot long, thick (half-inch?) streams of water which arced up maybe ten feet in the air and reached out almost to the walls of the interior. There were a stable, strong-looking father and his child playing in the fountain. The father was tan, with darkish, blonde hair. He may have been wearing a pale grey sweatshirt and pale blue jeans. His child was maybe eighteen months old, wormy-white.
My nephews and I played on the opposite side of the fountain from the father and his child. I played as if I were a child. At some point I closed my eyes and stuck my face right under one of the downward-arcing streams.
My mom now called from the doorway. I realized I had been acting silly and childish, as if I were trying to be a child of the many, or as if I were trying to attract the man sexually. Looking around, I also realized the man was now gone. I felt foolish. I walked out to meet my family, but possibly also to look for the man.
We may have walked up the set of stairs. The stairway and the level areas now looked different. They seemed more walled in. The walls also seemed to be bordered, on the opposite side, by stout-looking pine trees. The ground may have been covered with red bricks, which may have been the same as before.
Dream #2
I sat at a booth-table in a restaurant with my co-worker and friend FA. I was playing with plastic items like the non-Lego accessories (mainly little fences?) that would come with a Lego scene-kit. In particular I played with a plastic or putty disc (grey or brown?) around which had been wrapped a ring of (grey or brown) plastic "fence" or "train track."
FA and I spoke about some movie she and I had seen separately. She knew I'd have picked up on certain elements that she knew I'd know she'd like. She was now telling me about the elements, trying to be exact, as if she wanted to impress me. For some reason I couldn't help correcting her, with a brief interjection, in two instances.
For the first instance, I may even have felt a slight offense, as if I thought her inexactness showed she didn't really care, that she was actually just pretending. In the second instance she got the character's name wrong, just slightly, even though the character's name was FA's name exactly.
As I interjected FA's name, FA and I were suddenly in a "movie theater." The "theater" looked more like a nice cafe or restaurant, or even a living room, except with seven or eight one-aisle rows of (purple-fabric?) movie theater seats, and a black, curtained wall up front, with a small movie screen on it. The floors were wood. The walls were rustic, red-brick, like in a pizzeria. There were cheery, block-style flower paintings on the wall. Along the wall to my right was also a small, columnar chest or pedestal of dark, purplish varnished wood, with a slim vase of yellow (?) flowers on top.
FA and I sat in seats, maybe one seat apart from each other, as if we each had our stuff in the seats directly to our right (?). FA and I sat on the right side of the theater, just a couple seats in from the aisle -- there were maybe six or seven seats on each side.
A young man, maybe Hispanic, kind of wide-built, wearing a big, puffy, tannish coat, similarly colored denim pants, and a wool cap, walked in front of us. He first stood in front of me, his back to me, and plaed on his BlackBerry, as if he were going to stay there and play on his BlackBerry as long as he wanted, to test my patience. When the man saw I didn't seem to care, he kept moving along.
The man now stood in front of FA. He would step back, really trying to get into FA's space. At first FA and I just talked, as if it didn't annoy us. But then I finally got angry and told the man to get out of FA's face. The man just kept pretending like we didn't exist.
I stood up and tried to push or pull the man out of FA's space. I was in a weird position, as if I were one row behind the man and FA, and as if I were trying to grab him by reaching my arms backwards over my head. My body didn't seem to have any power, not even power to move with any speed.
I gave up on this method, and now, sitting near the aisle, in the row in front of FA and the man, probably sitting on one of the seat arms, with my left arm slung over the seat back, and again kind of looking backward to the two of them, I yelled at the man, "Get the hell away from FA!"
The man had taken off his hat. His hair was puffy, with medium curls. He had a round face but kind of lean-looking eyes. He gave a quick, loose-throated chuckle like a fit high school basketball player might give in place of talking trash when he knows he's good.
Again I tried (somehow) to force the guy away. FA said, "It's not worth it, Preemie."
The man and I now stood at the back wall, near a wooden chest, also dark and purplish colored. I was wildly angry, and I was trying to fight against the man, but once again I had no power in my arms at all. The man and I were wrestling with our arms.
I kept shouting threats at the man until they or one of them finally hit a nerve. The man said, "Oh, yeah? Well, how about this?" He reached into his left pocket. I knew he was going to pull out either a knife or a gun. I was afraid, but I kept still not wanting to give the man any satisfaction of knowing my fear. The man pulled out a knife as long as a keychain Swiss Army knife and as sharp as a butter knife.
Again FA told me to forget about it to ignore the man. The man and I "fought" by wrestling arms again. I was completely overpowered, but somehow I had managed to grab the knife an throw it away, into the empty movie seats.
The man and I now stood apart. The man made some threats about how he would really hurt me now. I was afraid, but I was still so mad that I knew I'd start fighting again. I also knew that if the man got the knife again, he'd kill me.
Dream #3
I sat in a bedroom with my mom. The bedroom served as a living room. Natural light came into the room and was very bright. The walls were harsh and bright. There was a buffet along one of the walls, and possibly a big pile of junk, possibly burying some shelves, along another wall. I and my mom sat on a bed against the wall across from the buffet. There were no sheets on the bed. There was probably a television blaring away on top of the buffet.
It was like I had been back in my hometown, on vacation. My mom was telling me something like she wasn't going to take me to the airport to go back home. I immediately got angry. I stood up and yelled at my mom about how she was destroying the trust i had for her and how I would never have the same kind of relationship with her ever again. I yelled that she absolutely had to take me to the XXXXX so I could go home. But my mom just kind of lounged on the bed (as if it were a couch) and watched the television. She looked like she couldn't care less about anything I said.
I now shouted at my mother, "I know you think I'm of no consequence, and that I've never done anything. I know you think I can't back up anything I ever say. But don't you know what I've just gotten done doing? I was a stock researcher on Wall Street! That was a pretty important job!"
My mom suddenly perked up. She said, "Is that what you've been doing? I've never understood that." She stood up and (somehow) told my brother and sister that she and the two of them needed to make up for the way they'd been treating me.
My mom now came into the room (as if she'd been gone) carrying a brown, paper grocery bag. My sister may have done the same. My mom now pulled out a couple of apples. She may have offered me the apples. But she also just set them on whatever little bits of shelf she could find under the piles of stuff along the wall.
Dream #4
I stood on a sidewalk on a bright, sunny day. The street was wide and busy. The sidewalk was also wide, but not very busy. On the other side of the sidewalk may have been a large (?) vacant lot bordered by a chain-link fence that was in bad shape, probably bent over, into the lot, at a forty-five-degree angle at one point. However, the vacant lot may also have been only a small, unkempt space on a small triangle island near the larger sidewalk. Either way, to my right there was also a subway entrance, which I may just have come up from.
I was on the phone (right ear?) with my girlfriend H. She was hesitant in talking to me, but then she finally burst out, saying that her father and everybody on her father's side of the family had just died. She was now terribly upset, crying and screaming.
I asked H if I could come over. I told her I'd be over as soon as possible. But I couldn't quite figure out where I was. I didn't know if I should get back on the train or just walk. I also didn't know if it would take me fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or even longer for me to get to H's house.
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