Saturday, December 29, 2012

(2/12/09) assignment from boss; guns make zombies

Dream #1

I sat in an "office" with my old boss BS. The office felt more like a bedroom with a desk and messy piles of paper everywhere. The room's atmosphere was like that of the room I'd had in a double-wide trailer I'd lived in at a National Park in New Mexico. It had bluish-grey light, thin, fake-wood walls, and a cold feeling all over.

BS asked me either to help him take care of something only I could take care of or to look at some of his most recent reports. If BS asked me to look at his reports, it would have been because he'd finally used some of the ideas I'd had about the stocks we were doing research on, but he didn't want to tell me that directly.

Dream #2

A lot of scenes I don't remember, involving a group of masculine, kind of redneck-like, lesbian women. The scenes took place on bright, hot days, like in the summer, possibly somewhere down south. They largely took place in or near trailer-houses with yards full of neglected, overgrown, tangled vegetation, garbage, and mechanical scraps. There may have been some apocalypse which killed people or turned them into zombies, or else there would soon be an apocalypse like this.

Now there were three women in a house. They were in a bright-walled, extremely cluttered room. They were apparently training on how to use some new guns they'd gotten. I wasn't in this scene at all. It wasn't like I was watching a movie, but more like everything was just there without me.

One of the group of three may actually have been a man. He/she wore a drab, green t-shirt, a similar trucker's cap, and eyeglasses. Another girl wore blue jeans and a white, ribbed tank-top.

Some other girl (a fourth) said she didn't want to learn to use guns. For some reason I agreed with her. I felt like using guns in this situation would also turn people into zombies.

The girl walked out of the house. The boy/girl in the green called after her as the three girls walked out of the house. He/she said, "Have it your way! Who knows? Maybe once we've learned how to use these guns we'll just come shooting you!"

The other two girls said, "No, no," to the girl/boy in green, as if to calm her and stop her from saying foolish things.

The boy/girl now shouted, "Or, I mean, maybe we'll come shooting zombies to protect you!"

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