Monday, January 7, 2013

(8/17/08) cutting in line... to hell!

(Entered in paper journal at 8:33 AM at Connecticut Muffin in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn.)

Dream #1

I was in some place like a bar or a restaurant with my girlfriend H. There was a long, "S"-shaped like facing us. We had already paid for what everybody else was all in line too pay for. I asked a group of Asian girls if they could let H and I cut through the line, cutting through about the mid-section of the "S."

The girls denied me haughtily, like they thought I was just trying to cut in line. I tried to explain that I had already paid. But the girls wouldn't listen to me.

A bit farther back in line was a black man who made space for H and I. When one of the Asian girls saw that space had been made for H and I she yelled and screamed about how unfair it. was.

As H and I walked into the space, I heard an old man trying to stop us. He yelled that we had walked into the way of death, the way of hell.

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