Friday, January 25, 2013

(3/3/08) pilots proving innocence; mad broke

(Entered in paper journal at 6:15 AM on Q-train from Brooklyn to Manhattan.)

Dream #1p

I saw a view high up in the air of a vehicle like an enormous helicopter. I thought to myself, How did I not tell those people in time? It was as if I knew that the helicopter-like vehicle was firing on a jet far in the distance, as if I had pre-cognized it. I hadn't gone to warn the jet, even though I knew it was in danger.

I now saw the jet. It was thin, long, and dull grey. It had four tailfins (?) and carried four people. I was now in the jet. At first I was afraid to be in the jet because it was moving straight up. But then I told myself I had to be brave and bear the movement.

I was now piloting the jet. But it was like I was also remembering this flight. I thought to myself, My commanding officer is angry because I lost two copilots in that flight. It was due to my bad flying. Or was it due to their parachutes? I remembered myself going in a huge loop and then possibly using my parachute.

I stood in an area like an old lot of strange buildings mixed with a backyard. I stood with a woman before an iron-poled gate. We were trying to get past the gate, possibly to find some evidence to prove that we weren't at fault for the lives of our copilots.

There was a huge puddle behind the gate, otherwise we would have jumped the gate. I followed the fence left and found a hole in it. I thought to myself, I wouldn't have found that hole if I hadn't developed my eyes as a pilot.

The woman and I walked to the area beyond the gate. It was like a series of backyard gardens that were all fenced off from each other by small, wire fencing. The woman had climbed into the garden that had the hole in its fence. She stood a ways away from me, waiting for me.

A little dog had run up to me and was barking at me and licking my hand. I thought, See? There's no reason to be afraid of this dog. Just go in. But I felt if I went in, a much bigger and meaner dog would come out of hiding and attack me.

Dream #2

I was with a group of kids in front of a doorway and under the shelter (like a patio) of a building. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, probably to look at the time. One of the kids was impressed by my phone and asked to look at it. Thinking, though, of the photos I had saved on it, I told the kid no.

I clicked the phone shut by pressing a button on its side and folding it closed. But as I put the phone in my pocket I felt like I had broken my phone. The top half was now only loosely clinging to the bottom half.

The kids were all saying, "Yeah, yeah. That's cool. He'll show us his phone next time. He knows what he's doing."

One of the kids, the oldest/tallest one, said, "You're mad cool. You speak intelligently. And you make things clear for us. Like when you told us about XXXXX."

The kid then tried to quote a rap verse he thought related to where we'd just been. He couldn't get it quite right, but he summarized it, apparently by saying there were three kinds of people who went to the event. One group was trying to sell (drugs?). Another group was trying to arrest people. And another group was standing over it all, like the whole thing was just another part of their business.

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